Hair: It's totally not cooperating these days. First, I got it colored, and it turned out too blonde. Second, the texture seems weird. Third, I have psoriasis of the scalp.
School: I'm obsessed with readers' workshop. I've fiddled with independent reading forever as a teacher. The best I ever did it was in 2001, when I had this amazing librarian and block scheduling. I'd give an entire hour, sometimes more, to independent reading every week in class. The librarian, Mary Jo, would help me make personalized recommendations. She ordered mini-books for me to use with kids who were reading way below grade level. I kept a whole carton of them in my classroom. High interest stuff appropriate for 8th graders, but written at the 3rd and 4th grade reading level. They were like gateway drugs - read the mini-book successfully, and you want more books. I knew everyone was reading. Since then, it's been harder with high school kids and then a middle school schedule that only allows for 200 minutes of literacy instruction per week. But, now I'm back on the "can do" train and reading tons of books about how other cool teachers make this possible. It's happening, people. We're reading a bazillion books in 2015-16.
Lacrosse: The kids play it, I enjoy watching. It's quite violent. I find myself on the sidelines yelling, "Whack him!" Is that healthy?