Everyone knows that I hate fun. Dan was the first to name this trait, but once he did, I felt kind of free. I knew in my heart that I've pretty much always hated fun, and frankly, it felt good to finally be myself.
Group ice breakers?
Teams-building courses with colleagues?
Easter egg hunts and rolls?
Pumpkin carving?
Even happy hour if there are too many people there, and it's too loud?
I don't really like any of these things. I'll do them out of politeness or professionalism, but I definitely won't enjoy them. Even if I'm laughing and looking like I'm having a good time, I'm probably not. I simply refuse to enjoy things that are fun.
So, it should be clear then, that I also hate Halloween in general, and costumes in particular. Some of my super cute students, though, have been asking about my costume for Monday.
"Oh," I told them, wrinkling my nose. "I'm not dressing up." They stared at me, maybe thinking I was kidding. "I don't like fun," I continued. They blinked.
"But I have an idea for you!" one of them said, adorably hopeful.
"Tell me," I acquiesced.
"You should be the grammar police!"
Now that IS an idea. "I'll keep it in mind," I told the sixers, raising my index finger for emphasis. And sure enough? I think I might actually dress up this year. I need a white t-shirt and a Sharpie, on which I'll write snarky messages like, "An apostrophe won't make your family's name plural, I promise." I also need a police cap (Walgreens?!) and a red felt-tip correcting pen.
Easy peasy AND super not fun. Can you think of a bigger buzz kill than someone who corrects
Mac also hates things.
Three more things I hate from the This American Life blogging challenge.