Monday, September 27, 2010

Status Report

Illnesses Experienced by Members of Our Family Since September 1st:
chest cold, viral sore throat, strep throat, pneumonia, bronchitis, ear infection, stomach bug, warts, migraine and acute anxiety (obviously)

Number of illnesses Experienced by Dan

Classroom Activities Thwarted by Network and Computer Problems since September 7th:
Watching a video from the Frontline website, using Wallwisher and TodaysMeet for backchanneling, collaborating on a Google document, watching a screencast posted on Moodle, using Aviary to record audio, viewing completed Prezis, using school gmail addresses to sign up for Prezi accounts (school gmail blocked by proxy!), commenting in a Moodle forum, and signing into computers wirelessly for any purpose.


Mary said...

I don't understand anything in the 3rd paragraph... I guess I should take your blended course.

Jill said...

Not to change the subject, but how do you like Prezi? It is on my to-do list this week to figure out how to use it. Signed up for my account and watched a video or two but I need to dive in and try to make one.

Oh and also, all of that above stuff sucks.

Emily Anne said...

I consistently want to give you a bear hug every time I read your blog! Some good luck is seriously in your future!!

Martha Pettee said...

You need the tech people to get it going on!

Rachel said...

New theory: Dan isn't that funny. You talking about Dan is funny, and it's really just transfer in my mind that makes me think Dan is funny. For example, paragraph 2 made me laugh. But that's not Dan. That's you.

You should probably run this new theory by Dan just as a litmus test.

lee said...

I've started a wiki. Did you get the wiki invite?