Sunday, October 29, 2006

Most Toddlers Have Weird Hobbies, Right?

Shef has been on a knowledge bender of late.

His favorite activity is putting together his United States puzzle, which he works on while humming sweetly to himself.

Because he and Dan completed the puzzle about a hundred times before the kid started doing it on his own (it's the first thing he's ever consented to do on his own), Shef now has the states memorized by shape and location. Sometimes, when doing something else, like lying in bed in the wee hours or walking through the mall, he’ll point out something that has the same shape as one of the states.

“That look likes N-vada,” he said as he pulled back the tent over his bed to reveal a little Nevada-shaped section of his ceiling.

“It does,” I agreed sleepily.

“Who lives in N-vada?” he asked.

“Um, Celine Dion?” I offered, which satisfied him for a moment.

“Who lives in Utah?” he asked thoughtfully, a few seconds later.

Dooce does,” I said, which he well knows.

“Who lives in California?”

“Jamie does!”

“I want to get up.”

“No kidding.”


LH said...

What about the Hoosier state?
I'm sure that must be a huge favorite for him.

what's he going to be for halloween?

KC said...

he loves the hoosier state too, of course!

i was just telling him, "guess who lives in indiana?" he said, "what?" i said, "lee. you remember lee?" he said, "I remember Jessie." I said, "yeah, but do you remember lee?" and then the kicker -- "jessie and lee are the same."

jdoc said...

Ouch. That is the kicker. Glad to be grouped with Lee, but not sure she'll feel the same.