Saturday, January 16, 2010

Point of Interest!

I've gotten some positive feedback on the logo and title. I'm glad. It seems a lot of people secretly hated my previous background and font colors. And, of course, several strongly suggested that I hurry up and come up with a new title.

I'm pleased that people cared enough to feel those feelings, to tell you the truth.

Anyway, the new logo was to be for my business as a freelance writer. This was before I decided to head back to the classroom full-time, which is a decision I don't regret, as it turns out. I didn't even regret it last week, as we dealt with several extremely difficult problems at school.

Way back in March when I told my friend Renee I was going back, she said she was glad. "You just don't like teaching when you're pregnant," she said. That is so true.

I'm still hoping I can be Word Savvy in the summers, maybe. Or, I'm thinking of getting a job teaching some kind of alternative summer school. Isn't that weird? It would probably be a mistake.


Martha said...

Mistake. But who am I to say?

Molly said...

MISTAKE. Don't be a fool.
Love, love, love your new blog title/logo.