Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Maybe I'll Win This Time

This is great news: Lee and I will be blogging every day in April. Lee explained the challenge really well in her post here.

This post is kind of a rip-off of her post, but the deal is we're going to be writing about reading. But it's not going to be boring. It's going to be fascinating and hilarious, as usual. Of course, Dan will probably be the most hilarious, if he joins the challenge. (YES, everyone -- Bob, Bethany, Rachel, and basically everyone who's ever met Dan -- I KNOW that Dan is so funny.)

As Lee mentioned, I think it would be great if others joined the challenge.

Let's see how this goes! It's probably going to be awesome!


Gina Marie said...

My heart both sunk AND leapt when I saw that link to me... I'm totally in!

LH said...


And btw, u r funnier!

KC said...

I really, really hope R joins the challenge!!

And, I'm really, really happy Gina is in. Gina, Dan and I talk all the time about how we both love your blog. It's one of our faves, for sure.

Let's hear it for LITERACY!