Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hey, So

Another day, another blog. I'm pretty sure it's time for an APRIL BLOGGING CHALLENGE.

Blogging BFF Lee proposed an idea I think I want to try. I'm assuming she still wants to do it, but I can't be sure.

The challenge idea is about IMAGES. This is really mostly going to be a challenge for me, as I'm wont to go weeks without posting a picture, illustration, video, or other item of visual interest. Other bloggers like Lee take beautiful pictures and draw compelling illustrations on their iPads. I suck at doing these things, but I'm determined to improve.

I think the rules will be that you have to blog most days and post an image each day? Is that right??

I really want to do well in the challenge. I have a persistent need for success, praise, and encouragement. This is a flaw, but it's a flaw I've embraced.


mm said...

Count me in! I'm always up for a blog challenge.

LH said...

This is going to be capital A for AWESOME!