Friday, June 23, 2023

The Boxes

The whole impetus for the MWFA project is to enjoy my writing more. 

Because it's hard, and it sucks, right? And it makes me feel bad about myself? 

But not blog writing. Blog writing is fun and makes me feel like, hey! I have so many years of stuff I've written and collected all right here, right on this website!

And do you know what else is fun, even about writing novels? 

It's fun to color in boxes to show how much you've written and then give yourself a sticker when you've reached your target. I met my target every day of the week this week, so I got five stickers. 


The stickers have an oceanic theme. They include a shrimp, a stingray, a couple of sharks, and an octopus. They are printed in whimsical colors and with cartoonish eyeballs. If I saw these animals in real life in the ocean, I would not be thrilled. But in my little bullet-ish journal? They're frickin' thrilling.

The next step is editing these 8000 new words and that seems hard and sad to me right now, but I have a policy that works in a metaphorical sense for this situation. 

The policy is ONE BOX AT A TIME.

Editing these 8000 words is in tomorrow's boxes.

1 comment:

LH said...

I'm reading another book by Julia Cameron called Write for Life. Nothing too new in this one, but she has a way of getting me out of Procrastination Station.

Today's chapter is about how writing can be joyful and easy. She doesn't give a lot of strategies for making writing fun and easy, and I think your MWFA initiative has potential to bring spark to writers all over the world.