Shef hasn’t slept in four days, which must be why, when one of my American Lit’ers tattled on another for swearing when I stepped out of the room for a moment during Act I of the Daniel Day-Lewis/Winona Ryder version of The Crucible, I told the offender that he would “surely burn in hell for that.”
I’m pretty sure I can blame the Puritan influence, but I think I best be careful, nonetheless.
Ha, lucky you don't teach in a my district with the large Christian fundamentalist population because I'm pretty sure that would get me burned at the stake.
I had a teacher in high school who used the phrase "H - E - Double Hockey Stick" daily. It was amusing for a week.
I said damn it today when a kid fell off the monkey bars on to her back and couldn't breathe. I took them out for awhile and when I do that i let them use the equipment they're not allowed to during regular recess. guess i should follow rules a bit better.
When are you going to post the next blog? Hurry up. Sheesh.
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