For Father’s Day, Shef and I scoped out several local bike shops in hopes of finding an ideal model for Dan.
Shef was really excited about the project: “I go to the bike shop. I get Daddy a bicycle. I get me a seat.” See? It always comes back around to the toddler.
While we did find some good options, and Dan is excited about making the final selection, the highlight of the shopping trips for the kiddo was a stop at Penn Cycle, where Shef absolutely had to sit on this bike:
“I ride this bike!” he yelled, as he hyper-extended his knees in hopes of reaching the pedals. We’ve told him he can’t have a bike until he’s four, and until then, he will languish on his tricycle. This is probably for the best, as he’s even tippy on the trike.
“When can you have a bike?” I asked him, as he twitched with glee atop the pink-mobile.
“When I’m FOUR!” he proclaimed.
“Right. And how old are you now?”
“Twoooo,” he said mournfully.
I feel for him, but I’m holding firm.
Aw come on least at 3!!!
bonjour savvy mom, et cari,
that's gonna be a long two years.
for all of you.
cari-- i have re-thought this issue and decided that you're absolutely right. 3 it is. We'll be buying a suitably masculine bike next March 24th. :)
yesterday, shef took off on a two-wheeler inside penn cycle. it had training wheels, but still. he's way more ready than I previously thought.
bonjour, lee. when do you come home?
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