Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Grind

Back at it!  But, I was ready.  The kids are really cute and fun; and we're doing a school-wide, week-long, challenge-based learning experiment.  I'm team-teaching with three other teachers, and we have a group of 30 kids.  In order to ease transitions, one rhythmically-gifted instructor proposed a call-and-response chant.

It's theoretically easy - I say J-Term; You say Challenge! J-Term! Challenge! J-Term! Challenge! 

Then we can change around the second word as we like. So, J-Term! Team! or J-Term! Think!

But, the rest of us teachers had some serious problems getting this right.  My biggest mistake was "I say J-Term; you say Challenge! Challenge!"  I did that like three or four times.

Eventually, I mastered this, but it requires a little dancing in order to remind myself of the rhythm.  Pretty sure it makes me look even more ridiculous.  But, I'm going for it.  I mean, why not?

1 comment:

LH said...

The challenge is a wee bit hard to understand. But carry on with it. You all know best.

I guess we're going to San Antonio. We'll be happy there.