I'm down to the final moments of the school year. Yesterday was the good-bye lunch for our three retirees, our boss, who is headed to a school in NYC, and a couple of other teachers who are doing different and cool things from now on.
On our small middle school staff, we're having a pretty big turnover, actually, and the farewells were more emotional than I expected. I've worked with a lot of first-rate teachers in my seventeen-year career, and this current group of mover-ons had a big impact on me and, of course, their thousands of students. Last night was graduation, and for the first time at my "new" school, I knew the graduates! My 2011-12 8th grade advisory marched across the stage, and one of my no-longer littles gave a fabulous speech. Several moments were captured from above with the drone pictured at the top of this post. The hovering drone was a little surreal. Today, we'll have a meeting at which we will honor the long tenure of some other people. I like these people, and I'll enjoy applauding their accomplishments at our great school.
Afterward, I'm planning to capitalize on my end-of-year, pre-crash energy boost by dropping off a carload of stuff at Goodwill. And then, I might organize the junk drawer. Then I might fall asleep. I'm sort of hoping I fall asleep, actually. If I don't, I might end up manically organizing my new office or washing sheets. The fervor is productive, but also unnerving, and I'd sort of like to head straight for the crash.
A new office? Enjoy these days! You deserve them! Love, mom......who is in NJ,
Although I have one day left, I plan on a lot of sleeping and reading today.
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