Ok, so after all my tough talk, I totally forgot to do my abs on Thursday (I was a Tuesday starter); however, I did do 10 different exercises for a bonus.
I did regular crunches, plank pose, side planks right and left, bicycles, bicycles with arms, scissors, crunches with my legs to the left and right, and this horrible thing that Dan demonstrated for me where you lie down, keep you arms to the side, and raise and lower your straightened legs while trying to "walk forward" with your glutes. It was so awful, I can't even tell you.
Here's how we'll do the scoring: 3 points for each of your ab sessions done on the correct day. So I have 6 points for that - 3 for Tuesday and 3 for Saturday. Then, if you did 10-14 different exercises, you get 1 bonus point. That brings my total to 7. If you did 15 different exercises, you get 2 bonus points. For the bonus, you have to list your exercises in the comments.
Ok, so post your points below for the first three sessions! Like, if you started on Monday, just score until Friday - don't include Sunday if you've kept going. And then, if you want to switch from odds to evens, you can do that this weekend. We'll report in again next week.
As directed, of course, I did my five minute ab sessions on M-W-F. I was pretty uncreative, however, with types: only 4. My only hope is that adherence to routine or my partner's ingenuity, rules the day or wins the prize.
i'm very impressed with all you ab crunchers. I'm not doing anything ab related, so I will just tell you what i've done today. Took a walk.
Teendaughter applied to UMINN today. Please watch out for her if she shws up next year.
kc--all your abs variations are inspiring. i was going to go online to find some suggestions for different exercises because i really want to do 10 or 15 and get those bonus points.
so far i have 3 points for Friday and 3 points for today.
6 points total.
last week i had 3 pts, but i am well on my way to making up for that this week!
I did five minutes WF. And Sunday, but that counts for this week, right? Only 3 different exercises, though. Thanks for listing the specific exercises you did--that will help me be more creative as well. 6 points total.
I did my 5 minutes TTHSa but only could think of two different exercises (I am so tired of crunches).
I'm inspired by all the different exercises you did as well. I was very uncreative and only did 5 minutes on Monday and Wednesday. My mom was in town all weekend and I totally slacked . I blame her for my measely 6 points.
I did my exercises for 10 min. M-W-Th, but I only do one thing- the hula hoop. I'm not sure if I will be getting any bonus points because I really love hula hooping and really hate crunches, etc.
I did abs Tues & Thurs and completely forgot on Sat so I guess I just have a total of 6 points.
I did my three days Tu/Th/Sa, nine points total. I'm following my physical therapist's suggestions, so I'll be boring and stick to that. At some point, my abs might be strong enough to do normal stuff. I've come a long ways since June, though.
oh, and also the thing at the Y where you balance on your fore-arms and lift your legs. i did this in 2 ways:
- straight out in front of me and
- knees bent and to the left and right
I am late to this and got confused about the rules when K.C. described her many abs creations. Dob and I have to work off the trip to Champagne country. Would it be o.k. if we are partners?
Hey Emily,
With all of your ingenuity, we are in first place, so no apologies needed.
Sorry! I'm delinquent on posting but have been very consistent on my ab work. Although I guess I was confused on start date because I didn't start until Wednesday thought the week was WFSu. So are you only counting the Weds and Friday for last week? If so then I did 5 minutes each day, with 2 different exercises. If you count Sunday then I did another 5 minutes.
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