When Mac started crawling out of his crib, we got him a nice little toddler bed and a gate for his door.
This has been a total nightmare, pretty much. We have to sit with him while he falls asleep and then visit him and rest with him in his TODDLER BED many times during the night. If we don't do these things, hours of screaming ensue.
"Mac," I said to him this morning, "why won't you sleep in your bed all night long by yourself?"
"Ummmmm," he said. "Bug in my bed."
"There's not a bug in your bed," I told him.
He shrugged and walked away.
He probably meant something about "buggin."
As in: Freaking out, going postal
Man, I'm totally buggin
From Urban Dictionary
You're absolutely right. This is exactly what he meant.
The Encyclopedia is on hold for me at the library. What are the rules??
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