Saturday, June 16, 2012

First of Five

Here I am at Camp Foley. I just woke up here. In a short while, I'll be giving a seminar on how to do all the writing you need to do when you're a counselor. I'm going to try to make it tolerable for the audience. I planned to have prizes, but then I got distracted and drove right by Target without making a stop.

Lucky for me, this is Camp and my pal Alli has some extra prizes just lying around. She and another camp gal, Taylor, helped me come up with a few trivia questions for my "middler" break. They also helped me trouble shoot my community builder problem, which relied on me picking up some Laffy Taffys. We're going to use M & Ms instead. Not the best because the Taffys are individually wrapped.

But, I'm a teacher and I'm generally good at thinking on my feet. I can make the M & Ms work.


LH said...

Teachers really are great at thinking on their feet.

Camp sounds very fun. Are you staying in a log cabin?

mm said...

I prefer M & Ms although I certainly understand the wrapped thing.

Anonymous said...

Have fun! Sure you will provide helpful information. Are the boys with you? Love, mom

StreibProjects said...

M & M's are so much better than Laffy Taffy!

kc said...

It was a quick trip! I was back yesterday afternoon. We ended up with Jolly Ranchers! Perfect!