Wednesday, October 10, 2012

You're the Million Reasons Why

Here's the news: The eighth graders have started acting like eighth graders. Couple of kids skipped a couple of things. Couple of kids weren't where they were supposed to be. Couple of teachers start stopping me in the hall, asking, "Hey is So-and-So in your advisory?" It's not usually good if people start stopping you asking you that.

There are conferences next week. Couple of parents might be sort of annoyed about the situations. Let's hope the parents direct their annoyance at the proper peeps.

That would be the kids.

Not the well-meaning and super vigilant and responsive advisor.


LH said...

Yes, that would be the kids.

Sadly it doesn't always work out that way.

But maybe at your new school, people have their annoyances in proper order.

I don't have to do conferences any more because I'm a literacy partner. That's a perk of the job.

mm said...

We have conferences tonight. One never knows if where the annoyance will be directed. Happy days.

Juli texted me last nigh when I was at Talking Volumes and said she saw you!

Anonymous said...

Well stated! and I have a couple of wishes that your hope comes true! mom

jdoc said...

Good luck with the annoyances. Parents should see right away that you are ever vigilant and well-meaning. How could they not?