I'm not flipping done with my Summit presentation. I have to be done by tomorrow afternoon when I meet with my co-presenter. I can do it! I'm pretty sure I can do it. I don't want to do it at all.
Why do I draw this stuff out? Who's ever heard of such a dumb plan?!
The Julia Cameron mantra for yesterday might be helpful to you :
I am luminous and safe in my vulnerability.
Just say that a bunch of times and you'll be in like Flynn.
You got this!
Thanks, LH. I needed that. I finished most of the stuff.
People might want to check it out: https://sites.google.com/a/blakeschool.org/stories/
OMG. I am freaking out at how GREAT this is. I can NOT BELIEVE this project. Absolutely PHENOMENAL. THANK YOU!!!!!
That makes me feel really good because I felt like my presentation was kind of blah.
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