Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Out Pops the Buzzard and the ORIOLE

As you know, the ORIOLE is not only the mascot of the baseball team in Baltimore, but it's also included in the lyrics of the famous retro pop song, "Rockin' Robin" by Bobby Day.

Hey! You know who else records catchy pop songs? LMFAO!

I mentioned a little awhile ago that our oldest son, Shef, is obsessed with this particular group. Last weekend, he made this drawing featuring RedFoo and SkyBlu:

Really good, right? And this from the same kid whose art teacher described him as a "pistol." Next, he wrote this heartfelt fan letter:

I'm so proud. Really. I bet Cal Ripken, Jr. would be, too.


dw said...

God I love that kid.

StreibProjects said...

my boys can not stop watching this....


Indiana Rock on a California Roll said...

This is truly wonderful. Did you send it? My freshman year of college I wrote some embarrassingly emotional fan mail to Jason Segel, but I didn't send it.

Fox Sake said...

What an awesome drawing ! "You're as awesome as Eminem" Haha, priceless.

Thanks for posting the first comment ever on my blog KC ! :-)

mm said...

I love it. Make a copy of it. Send it. Today.

Bethn8r said...

Keep rocking indeed - that is fabulous. on a related note, perhaps we could arrange a marriage between Shef and Vivian? We could work up a dowry for her, maybe involving some goats, whatever you like.

Don't say no right away, take some time to think about it. We'll be here.

Jill said...

Awesome letter. Also, btw, since you are the mom of a slightly older child, can you please share with me how you handle the word "sexy"? Is this something you just don't get into with Shef? Or does he actually know what it means?

KC said...

Hi, Jill! I used to say it meant really attractive. I also said it was an adult word. Then, last fall he asked me about the origin of babies and then he asked several follow up questions. I explained everything. And now he knows what it means.

Jim said...

I don't know what to say about that other than that the Orioles have been a horrible, horrible baseball team the past 10 years. Good reference to Ripken at the end, though.

Gina Marie said...

It freaks me out that the members of LMFAO are nephew and uncle. Did you know that? I just found out and then I spent about four minutes picturing a situation that would end with any of my uncles and I starting a pop band.

Jill said...

Thanks for your sage advice, KC. Also, I meant to say how impressive Shef's cursive is (in addition to the rest of the letter). I just heard an NPR story about cursive not getting taught much anymore.