The food at my new school is SO FLIPPING GOOD. Yesterday's lunch was grilled portobello mushrooms over wild rice with marinara sauce. Also, strawberry and spinach salad. In case you didn't want that, you could have had tilapia in a light cream sauce. Or a sandwich with meat or sunbutter.
Before all of that, when you get to school you can have cereal, Nurtrigrain or Special K snack bars, and some fresh fruit. Also, you can have coffee.
The best part is that it's free. FREE! INCLUDED IN MY CONTRACT! I keep talking about this. Everyday I marvel at my good fortune.
I am insanely jealous of this! Are you sure that you work at a school?
As a college student who nearly gave blood yesterday for some Snackwells, I hope you feel the jealousy radiating.
I'm going to take a guess that our school food will not look like that this year... just a guess.
Is this place for real?
Why does this surprise me so much?
You've got me thinking about school food.
Oh my gosh. DELISH! You should write to Michelle Obama, she'd be totally proud of this school food.
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