Friday, March 30, 2012

PADRES in C Major

Dobby is not my PADRE; however he is Dan's PADRE. Therefore, he is my PADRE in-law. These deep familial ties, plus our common interests in skiing and violin brought us together for this performance, which we will now share with you.

Before you press play, my PADRE in-law and I would like to remind you that we are adult beginner, recreational violinists. And, it's in the spirit of life-long learning and joie de vivre that we present this excerpt of our duet.

Also, I want you to know that I'm not committed to this bi-level hair-do. In fact, I have a hair appointment with my gal Em on Monday. Holla.


Bethn8r said...

I played it for Genevieve, and we both very much enjoyed it!

StreibProjects said...

Nice! I love the violin performances that the students at my school put on.

mm said...

I love the fam violin thing!

dw said...

Great pre-meal entertainment.

Elizabeth Barniskis said...

My favorite part is when Mac comes up and hugs you. SO SWEET.

LH said...

I'm so delighted that I finally watched this video today! What a treat.

You 2 inspire me to keep working on creativity each day. That's one of my new goals.

Rachel said...

Love this!