Thursday, November 22, 2012

ABC #36: Frozen and Can't Breathe

A couple of posts ago, I said I was dreading the 5k I'd signed up for, but I'd be glad I did it after the fact.

Guess what? I was right! I"m glad I did it. Also, and this is kind of cool, I was 2nd place for women. It was a small race, but still. I tried my hardest and beat all of the other women (maybe 150?) except one.

There's no way I could cover a 5k at this moment, however, because my stomach is so full I'm pretty sure it could rupture. I took some TUMS, but they didn't even touch the discomfort.


mm said...

You are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! WOW! Way to go! love, mom

LH said...

Did you run pretty fast?

KC said...

Well, since you asked, yes! I did run pretty fast, IMHO. My time was 20:07 for 3 miles. Avg. 6:43 per mile. Huzzah!