Sunday, December 15, 2013


It's Sunday and I care about my wishes, so I forced the family to go once again to the Children's Service at our church.  It was better this time than last.  The Youth Choir performed, which was lovely.  The topic of the reading was the Angel Gabriel's visit to Mary to tell her the wonderful news that she would have to birth Jesus without a husband.  At the homily time, the minister asked the kids in attendance some questions about angels and what they do.  It was sort of cute.

After the sermon, I quizzed my own children about what they'd learned.  The query: What do angels do?

Their answer: They fly!  And they poop snow!

My religious education program is going super well.  We're all contemplative about Advent and the coming of Christ.  Just, FYI.


LH said...

We are laughing at their response over here on Abba Khoushy Avenue.

mm said...

It is true that the bodily functions are never discussed... snow could come from pooping angels!!