Monday, December 30, 2013


Had a beach reunion today with our fabulous pals, Adam and Tracy and their kids, Sophie, Ryan, and Nick.  Nick is new since the last time we'd seen the fam, and he is way cute. Toddling around and saying a few words with bright red hair.  Just adorable.

When he was napping, the older kids and the parents went for a walk while Nick's grandmother guarded him.  We jumped in the surf and looked at shells and stuff.

Mac became characteristically petulant at one point, just when I was trying to take a wonderful picture for posterity.

1 comment:

LH said...

I heard the high in Minneapolis will be -2 today. Soak up that sun. We have lots of pix kind of like this, #1 son just doing his own thing while the rest of us pose. I find this amusing.