Thursday, December 5, 2013

Celebrity Sighting

When I was on my way to D.C. and hanging in the Minneapolis Airport, something exciting happened.  I was in the ladies' room and upon exiting the stall, I saw a familiar face in the mirror.  It was Sara from Top Chef.  I'm so not even kidding.

"I'm watching you on tv right now," I told her, all friendly-like, as we washed our hands.

Immediately, I could tell Sara wasn't thrilled with this encounter.  She looked deeply uncomfortable.  "Right now, huh?" she said.

"Yes!" I responded cheerfully.  "This is an exciting moment for me!"

"Well, it's kind of weird for me," Sara said.

"Oh, okay," I said.  "I guess.  At the sinks in the restroom."  I shrugged and giggled a little.

I thought about asking to take a photo in the bathroom mirror, but Sara really wasn't giving off a vibe about being amenable to that.


LH said...

We don't have Top Chef over here. If we did, and if she had been super friendly, I would be rooting for her all the way. Since she was only mildly friendly, I hope she does okay, but does not end up being Top Chef. Is she from Minnesota??? What's her restaurant???

mm said...

I've never watched Top Chef, so I wouldn't have known a star was in my presence. It seems appropriate not to take a picture with her in the potty.

jdoc said...

We're behind on the Top Chef NOLA episodes, but this gives me reason to not wish Sara well on the show. She does seem a bit moody, so I'm not totally surprised. I think you handled the situation well.