Friday, November 20, 2015

Hate to Brag: Just Developing as a Professional Over Here

If you're not an English teacher, you probably didn't even know that you should come to the National Council of Teachers of English convention today in Minneapolis.  You wouldn't even have realized that it would be your chance to hear acclaimed and ground-breaking cartoonist Alison Bechdel discuss her path as a writer and artist.

You also probably wouldn't have had an opportunity to yuk it up with middle-grade writers who generously shared their processes and perspectives on diversity in children's lit.

Then, you wouldn't have been able to hear from one of your favorite researchers in a talk about teaching an LGBTQ-themed literature class to high school kids.

Next, you wouldn't have been able to peek in on Newbery winner Katherine Applegate talking about reading as a writer.

Finally, you wouldn't be sitting with me right here right now listening to some researchers and professors talk about teaching through Ferguson.

There are lots of times when being an English teacher might seem sort of ordinary and unglamorous to you.  That might not actually be the case. It might be the case that you just can't properly interpret what you're looking at - the unending thrill and sophistication of a constantly-evolving vocation.

Wish you were here.


mm said...

It seems you did a better job selecting sessions, but I did attend a wonderful session at the end with Ernest Morrell that still has my head spinning. It's good stuff.

jdoc said...

And I'm home sick today. Nothing to brag about. There tomorrow, though. Hell or high water!

LH said...

It sounds like a great one. Hoorah!