Saturday, December 26, 2015

Once Again

Okay, we've made it!  One of my highlights this Christmas was a nice chat I had with Brother-in-law-John and his lovely spouse, Galen.  These two are highly creative and smart - just the kind of people you'd love to talk with about ideas for living a cool and meaningful life.

Recently, these high fliers wrote and produced a show called The King of That Also, a mix of new baroque music, singing, poetry, and projected art works. I had to miss it because of my trip to Arizona, but you might not have to if you're in New York City on 12/27 or Chicago on 2/5.  I did get the accompanying book, which pleases me.

During the same conversation in which we supported and celebrated each other's creative endeavors, I also learned that Galen has a podcast review blog called Hear That Noise. It seems like something we need to read.  I'm going to read it and then listen to her recommended podcasts.  This will be a good thing to do.  Maybe we can share this experience together.

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