Tuesday, December 1, 2015


It's December and it's eggcellent.  Let me count the ways:

  • I'm done bragging.  Bragging is harder than it seems.
  • It's tights weather, and I love tights.  I especially love Spanx tights with a heavy duty control top.  
  • Mac and I are playing our holiday concert on Sunday.  It's been a rough go, in terms of stamina, for violin this fall, but it looks like we've both weathered the storm.
  • Lee and I have this amazing #TwinTuesday: BrenĂ© Brown book + egg.
  • I'm working on living a more creative life this month.  I'm engaging in some self-help.  I'm also reaching out, growing creative community.  What could be wrong with that?  It's all so good.

1 comment:

LH said...

I've got a stack of self help next to me here on the table. Feeling anxious today, but happy for the quiet afternoon.

I like tights as well. But I wish I had more dresses to wear with the tights.