Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's The Start of Something New

Well, either today or tomorrow is the last day of the blog challenge. It's been a great challenge, and right this moment I'm conceding defeat to my pal Lee.

I'm proud to have competed against such a worthy blogger, and I know our future is in good hands with Lee as the champion.

Of course I'm thinking about resolutions. Here they are:

1) Exercise enough.

2) Grade papers in small doses on a regular basis.

3) Find homeopathic remedies to the ailments I mentioned previously.

4) Chillax.

5) Blog. This blog is now more than 5 years old. There's no reason to stop here.

Happy New Year, Friends! This has been fun.


Martha said...

I like the word Chillax. I assume it is chill and relax. Yes? How about taking on blog duties or partial blod duties for the family biz?

Judy said...


Anonymous said...

I'm trying to think of new resolutions this year. Can't think of one. I'm working on it.
thanks for sharing your blogs. I loved it.

LH said...

I'm going to exercise more. On the treadmill. And read more too.

happy New year!

jdoc said...

Thanks for inviting me to the blogging challenge! I was happy to be in such good company.

I resolve to keep blogging, to worry less, and to "just do" more often.

Happy New Year!