Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hey, Ann Taylor LOFT! I Will Blog For Clothes!

I was thinking it would be great to get sponsored by Ann Taylor LOFT. My plan is that LOFT can give me several new outfits every season. Then, I'll wear them and post photos on my blog.

Right now, I'm using new media to get sponsored by the LOFT.

I would be an excellent blogger for Ann Taylor LOFT for many reasons:

First, I already wear lots of stuff from LOFT. I like the clothes, they fit me well, and they're perfect for my teaching job. When I wear LOFT, I feel put-together and professional. Thanks to LOFT, I've been able to limit jeans-wearing to Fridays.

Second, it says on their website that LOFT loves teachers. As we know, I AM a teacher!

Third, I'm open about my need for fashion help. Style does not come naturally to me, so I make goals and publicize them. My next goal is accessories and skirts, dresses, and boots. I don't have a skinny jeans goal, but if LOFT wanted me to demo a pair, I'd do it. All in the name of fashion adventure by LOFT.

For the next few days, I'm launching a campaign to become a LOFT spokesblogger. You can see my LOFT items of the day in the sidebar. Probably LOFT people could think of ways to make me look cuter. I'm open to all of their suggestions.

Will this work? Dan says probably not. He says my goal should just be to get an email back from LOFT people. That's a good goal, but I'm aiming higher. Obvi.


dw said...

Hey, @AnnTaylorLOFT, check out this blog! #anntaylorLOFT

(that's me using "New Media" to help you get Ann Taylor LOFT's attention.

mm said...

I think it's a great use of "New Media", but maybe it would help to add their link. They would realize you are bringing people to their website and stores.

BTW- I would send you an e-mail!!

KC said...

Excellent point, MM. I'm on it immediately.

unabashed liberal said...

We used the link to get you a Christmas present from the LOFT. Merry Christmas!!

LH said...

I'm not sure I get how this works but i support you 100%. If I can help in anyway let me know.

Anonymous said...

You have my vote!

jdoc said...

I tried to convince Dave that we should get a corporate sponsor for our wedding to help with the costs. That never worked out, but we had a nice time anyway.

Btw, just reading this makes me want to shop at Ann Taylor LOFT, so clearly they owe you something.

Liz said...

I agree I love the LOFT and I think you would be an excellent spokes-blogger. I am sad they closed the 50th and France store.

KK said...

This is a great idea for you. Good luck!

KC said...

Thanks for your support! I found another of LOFT's bloggers, and she is extremely fashionable. This would be like the make-over project for LOFT. I think they could get behind it!

Gina Marie said...

I'm also down on this project. And b/c of your post, I totally just spent 25 mins on their website, which I had never visited before. I like their jewelry and I am pledging to BUY SOME if they make you a LOFT Blogger.

Emily Anne said...

I'm a recent devotee of LOFT...definitely in support of this campaign and I'll be crazy jealous when it delivers free clothes to you!

Becky Andrews said...

Wishing you well. LOVE their clothess ... often I find myself in their clothes from head to toe!