Thursday, December 23, 2010

Is Tumblr Awesome?

I've gotten kind of fixated on Tumblr. Is it cool? If so, why is it cool? Would I like Tumblr better than Blogger?

I can't explain why I've become so obsessed with this issue. Or, why in other times and places I've become obsessed with cloth diaper sites, types and specs of bicycles, pro triathlete blogs, Tim Gunn, or Ann Taylor LOFT. Except in the case of the latter topic, of course I'm obsessed with LOFT because it's the awesomest retail store I've ever known.

Anyway, I decided to experiment with Tumblr. After I made one really fast (click HERE to see my one post and my About page!) I realized some cool things are you can upload things really fast and easily. Things like MP3 files, which Blogger does not support.

Who knows if this will go anywhere, but maybe now I can stop thinking about Tumblr for a few hours at a time.


LH said...

I do like how tumblr lets you upload stuff quickly. But I could not upload the voice thread. Is it a photo? Is it a movie? What to do?

I like having this other place to fool around. I support this.

mm said...

I support your obsessions, but if it's the holiday season and you're concentrating on Tumblr, I'm concerned.

Anonymous said...

At the ncte conf. I heard about tumblr every time I turned around.
My obsessions come mostly in the middle of the night. Sigh.

dw said...

I don't really get how the new site is better than blogger. But that's probably just because I don't get "New Media."

Jim said...

I could say I told you so, but that would be redundant. Plus, I'm just glad you listened to me to crack that thing open and take a look.