My mom took this picture of the boys and then sent it to my email from her phone:
They're sitting at her kitchen table because I bet you didn't know this: Just about 90% of the Friday nights of this school year, my mom has invited the kids to sleep over at her house and then has kept them until lunch time on Saturday.
Can you even believe that?
It's true! And she hardly even complains at all about how they sleep perpendicularly in her bed that she also sleeps in.
When I tell my colleagues who also have young children about the sleepovers, they often look at me with jealousy and hate in their eyes.
But I can't really help it that my mom rocks. Whose fault is that? It's just not really my fault.
It is true that she rocks.
Ditto. She really does.
I also rock.
Those sure are cute kids. Maybe I'll have a boy someday.
This is a great photo. They both look so angelic like they would go to bed when asked and sleep through the night in this photo. It makes me wonder if the posts about them are true.
Hahaha cracking up at MM above ^.
Regardless of Mac's affinity for throwing all the contents of his dresser, those are some CUTE, CUTE kids.
I would have been one of those jealous pals had I been a mom of young children at the same time you were also being a mom of young children while your mom was providing this weekly service. As it is. these two identities never met up, so I can admire your mom and feel happy for your good fortune.
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