Thursday, April 14, 2011

Don't Be A Drag

After he got out of the bathtub, Shef told me he "didn't want to be one of those guys with the big nipples." So, I didn't ask too many questions about that.

Later, when Mac got out of the bath, we took this picture:

See those dark circles under my eyes? That means somebody still isn't getting stamps on his dog chart. COME ON, MAC! Think of the puppies!


StreibProjects said...

Henry and Hayden still call them their nickels! cracks me up every time.

LH said...

First day of summer you are getting that dog! Dump the charts. Living creatures are not incentive programs. Okay I sound like a cranky old nag but I really want you to dump the charts. Plus Mac is totally going to fuck it up for Shef.. And shef might hate mac for that, we don't know. Let's pull out the alfie Kohn. Punished by rewards. love you doll! Just ignore me if I'm being overly nervy.

LH said...

Plus I love bath pix.

Kc said...

I understand your point, lh, however the reality is I'm still up 2-4 times per night with that kid, and he's almost three years-old. Also, before that I was up for four years with Shef. I'm not exaggerating. I feel a kind of desperation rising. I certainly cannot care for an additional living thing in these conditions. I sort of feel like I can't care for myself, actually.

Maybe we'll dump the charts, but we're not getting a dog. Also Shef gets an unlimited wrist band at the mall of America when he finishes his chart regardless of Mac's progress.

LH said...

I don't know why I feel a need to give opinions all the time. You're obviously doing your best and forgetting the rest.
Yesterday I kept a chart indicating how many times a first grader left his time out chair. After he got up to 7 times, I told him that I was going to give the paper to his dad. The kid said, "and I'm going to rip that paper up!!!"

I had to call in for back ups. The kid was not going to sit in the chair. So someone came and took him for a walk and a talk. I clearly know little about getting kids to do stuff, so I should steer clear of offering unhelpful suggestions. I'm going to try to remember this!

mm said...

I'm sorry that you'e not sleeping, but your boys are adorable.

Judy said...

I'm going to the pound today to help a friend choose a new dog. I'm excited!

jdoc said...

I'm sorry about the sleeping too. Your kids are smart and adorable, though -- especially in bath tub pictures.

dw said...

I am not asking questions about that one, either, I think.

I sure hope we get a dog eventually. Mainly because it will mean Mac is sleeping through the night. C'mon, kid!

StreibProjects said...

What????!!!!!!! 2 -3 times a night??? and he is almost 3? I’m confused.

kc said...

Streib - THAT IS THE PROBLEM. I have the worst sleepers on the planet. They are both like this, and they simply do not sleep. They don't seem to need it.

However, since we've begun the dog charts, Shef has stayed in his bed all night for 12 nights in a row.

Mac has gone to sleep without someone sitting outside his room for one hour for 9 nights in ain the last 12. This has given us our evenings back.

StreibProjects said...

Wow! I can’t believe this. Well, I’m glad that the dog chart is working for you. The dog might also help with staying in bed. Stormy sleeps with her boys.

LH said...

I wish you could get a corgi. The corgi's a friendly, regal dog.