Sunday, April 24, 2011

Thing That I Would Change

My grandmother gave me this purple flower headband for Easter. THANKS, Grandma!

She also suggested that in order to make a better professional impression, I should "put some makeup on [my] FACE."

I've never been a huge make-up wearer, but I'm actually wearing some here. I guess maybe I should be a little bolder with the colors?


LH said...

you always look great!

Cool headband.

mm said...

I think your professional impression is with the awesome work you do with your students. Make-up does not make you a professional; challenging students to do their best does. As for the purple flower, I kind of like it.

Judy said...

My mom always tells me to put on lipstick.

Rachel said...

The headband is really something. I mean, it's even MORE than I imagined.

dw said...

Of course, I wouldn't change a thing. But that was kind of funny.