Monday, January 20, 2014

Sankalpa - Day 20

I've learned some things about time during my sankalpa. First, I actually have a lot of time. There are two keys to taking advantage of it:

First, rushing around in a panic is not productive. I have to breathe deeply and think about what I want to do. And second, I have to choose what I want or need to do, and then do it. No dilly dallying around doing other dumb things while I wait to do the thing I actually want or need to do.

Yesterday, I wanted to go to a screening of Girl Rising. It's an interesting, hybrid-genre film about the need for education for girls in developing countries. Nine girls from different countries were each paired with a woman writer also from that country, and together they developed a story. The stories were narrated by famous actors, and most of the girls played themselves in the dramatizations and re-enactments.

I liked it, and I'm really glad I saw it. There's interesting and valid criticism out there, but overall, yeah, I liked it a lot.


LH said...

I read about that movie and now I want to see it. V. cool.

I don't think there's anything more important than learning that you do have time. Love that.

mm said...

I totally do the "dilly dallying arournd doing other dumb thigs."