Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sankalpa - Day 14

I have been doing more "meditating in a moment," with some good success. I'd like to do a whole 20 minutes tonight, though. Maybe before bed. Before sleep and after comment writing. Also after reading. I'm trying to read a lot.

I'm always trying to do a lot of stuff. I want to do all of the stuff, but sometimes it seems like a lot.

One thing I love to do, but that makes me hate myself is watching The Bachelor. Last night was worse than ever. This show is definitely not worth my time and definitely makes me stupider. And yet.


mm said...

I don't know how you find time to meditate... Good job!

LH said...

One minute meditation. I do it before I start writing each morning. And thanks to you I still do my Headspace guided meditation every evening. Calm and clarity. These are the goals.