Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Today I Probably Wouldn't Have Blogged Unless I Had To

I regret to announce that I'm giving up on Barbara Kingsolver's The Lacuna. Kingsolver is one of my favorite writers; however, I gave this book 103 pages, and I'm still not invested. I crossed the 100-page threshold while I was sitting in Mac's room, holding the book up to the crack of light from the open door.

I'm disappointed that I didn't like this offering, but I'm happy to have read Kingsolver's other works.

At school today, I read the staffing assignments for next year. It turns out I'm giving up the sophs for some juniors and seniors. The seniors I have will be taking a class called Mass Media. I've never taught this class before, and I feel like it could go in about a million different directions. Probably the kids in there will want to continue the podcast, don't you think?


mm said...

I finished Lacuna, but it was only because it was Kingsolver.

Let me know what you're using for media literacy. Maybe I can add it to my unit!

jdoc said...

I've got a wiki for you. I'll email it. Some good media analysis stuff.

Martha said...

I taught mass media!!!!!
It's that class that placed a Hustler on my desk and sculpted a Silly Putty penis! (They didn't like my unit on how women are portrayed!) Mostly football players in the class.

They THOUGHT they were going to watch movies for a quarter!